Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Model It! Week 2

In Class:
The In Class task for Week 2 provided much enjoyment as it provided the first oportunity for design in this modelling subject. We were given a section the we could interpret in anyway we wanted. Much the same as the first week, there were three tasks as task 1 + 2 came together in their design and idea to create a final model. My first design focused on the basic massing of the model and explored the different ways in which a shape could be rotated to create interesting forms. In the second model I focused more on the interior and detials of my hypothetical design, exploring the impact of different angles and their intersections. The final model combined these two ideas to create a space that moved and flowed in terms of the angles used throughout it. This task built up my confidence even in more in my ability to manipulate balsa wood, and continued my general development in model making.

Take Home:

The Take home task for week 2 presented a whole new challenge in terms of model making. This new type of model, the contour site model, explored the connection between a building and it's landscape (In this case Louis Kahn's Fisher House). This model developed my use andmanipulation of boxboard, and the lessons I learnt from the Barcelona Pavilion helped a lot, in particular the need to plan before starting a model. Unfortunately, I had to make this model twice as the first model I made disapeared when it was left at uni and the photos I had taken of it were not good enough. However, this allowed me to improve my second siting model greatly. This model taught me the improtance of clean cuts and also very precise cuts, as the gap that the model had to fit into needed to be perfect, in order to explore the amazingly close connection that Kahn achieves between the building and the surroundings.

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