Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Draw It! Introduction:

The first task of the new Draw it! workshop consisted of drawing the plan, 2 elevations a section and a "sketch view" of the first Model It! Task. The purpose of this was to introduce the connection betwen a 3d object and the way in which it can be communicated through 2d, drawn representation. Furthermore, it was to explore the way in which plans, sections, elevations and sketch views connect with each other and the way in which they can be composed on an A3 page to communicate these ideas.

I learnt and developed my drawing a lot from this task. Most importantly I discovered the importance of planning a composition and the way in which drawings must be set out on a page. The connection between a plan and the elevations drove this project as the drawings line up through the projection of the plan lines. However, as I had not planned the layout before, the elevation that sits above the plan extends past the page boundaries. Furthermore, the plan and this elevation are positioned to far in from the right hand side, which led to a lack of space and cramping on the left hand side for the section and perspective view. Finally, the sketch view provided a big challenge to me as this was my first expsure to this type of drawing and consequently caused some issues. The drawing is skewed and out of proportion however this first test helped me develop my skills that were later used in the final submission.

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