Model and Montage development:
Following the tutors advice I stripped back my model, removing the balsa wood and inverting the design to explore my concept in a simpler and more effective manner. However, this process proved to be more time consuming and difficult than first thought, reducing the amount of time I was able to spend on my montaging and photographing skills. The Model proved very difficult to montage as firstly it did not sit in a structured and uniform manner upon a surface. Furthermore, as the wire focused more on creating a flowing, level changing exterior, trying to capture the feeling of a space was very difficult. During this week I also visited the cemetery on many occasions, becoming accustomed to and building my understanding of the use of the space. In particular, I visited the graveyard at night, discovering that it closes at sunset and was patrolled at night. This increased the foreboding and spooky atmosphere of the area. Lastly, during this week I made a conscious effort to research and develop the story of the homeless man who was living out of a shelter, formed off the rock on the walkway from Bronte to Bondi. During this research I discovered that he is currently being held for questioning over rape. Throughout the coming weeks I decided I would attempt to manipulate my design to explore the fear and danger associated with this criminal.
Although the development of the model helped to improve the photomontages, it made my poor photography and photshop skills more evident. These two areas needed the most work in future weeks.
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